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Front End Web Developer Edinburgh about

Welcome to my profile. So, who am I?

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In 2020 I started my journey with coding at Edinburgh College. I decided and already knew at that time, that I want to learn skills that will be in demand in the marketplace, and I was determined to finish and get a qualification.

The course in Edinburgh College was web and websites centred. This path I believe was mostly beneficial in terms of employment afterwards but I would accept job in any area of IT. That is why I am learning and that is my goal, I do like learning itself, but I think that knowledge without practical application is wasted.

Who am I? I am a simple, honest, modest polish man dealing with everyday life challenges. During my time spent in Scotland I have managed to reach a good English language level and communication skills. Studying at the college has helped a lot with that as I was participating ESOL English language classes for 3 years.

Regarding my experience - I used to code before studying at college by playing with Arduino Uno board and experimenting with C++ programming language. During college time, I learned a lot about design, front-end and back-end programming. Now I am taking part in a wonderful opportunity that college gave us – which is Story Valley project. A collective, group coding experience about “exchanging ideas between schools” with the possibility to earn some money.

Image of me at loch ness - Front End Web Developer Edinburgh - about page
image of me snowboarding- Front End Web Developer Edinburgh - about page

I am very passionate about coding – I like to solve IT problems, to try different approaches, keep the neat structure, read the code what it does or analyse step by step. I also like working in a team – to cooperate and building together something extraordinary.

Although college gave me solid knowledge foundations, I did not know that there are a lot of other fantastic opportunities ahead, like the associate degree program for example. Looking into the future I want to continue my path with coding. I want to develop myself with not only knowledge but also change my character. For example, I used to be very shy, and I want to overcome that. Moreover, the possibility to have a job in coding would allow me to have an interesting profession and at the same time explore other branches of science in my own time.

This summer holidays I was working at a construction site. I noticed that most of the managers reached that high through hard work and real-life experience starting as labourers. By applying to University, I know that there are many placements, apprenticeship opportunities available. Because I love to code, I do not want to miss a chance.

That is my mind set and with that approach I believe I will be a good developer. I want to finish the journey which I started at Edinburgh College in 2020 but not waste it. I want to benefit Scotland for the magnificent chance I have received by studying here, working here, and living here.

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